Casual Camo

Hi guys! I’m home! If you were following me over the weekend on Instagram, you knew I was running the Boston Marathon! I can’t even begin to describe the honor that it was to be there. I will probably do a post with a few photos…


Ok, so I have a serious love for coffee. I just left my house a little bit ago solely to get half and half for my coffee. I mooched from the old roomie/neighbor yesterday so I sort of figured I needed to get my own for today. Also, if…

Cutout Dress

Words cannot express how happy I am that today is today. I have been working every day since last Tuesday, and I was supposed to work until Friday when I leave to Boston but the shoot I was going to do today got cancelled. #sohappy #le-sigh I am currently…

Leather Track Shorts and a Statement Necklace

The most basic outfit can be dressed up just by adding some texture and accessories! I love these shorts! They’re so comfy, and they add a little more pizazz to your outfit than your basic black shorts. Also, this necklace. Can’t stop wearing it! It&#8217…

Summer Dress and Braids #again

I literally CANNOT get away from floral this season. It’s on almost everything, and I love it! It’s so feminine! I love how a cute sweater tied around the waist can add so much to an outfit too! Ben took these photos on our way to…

Stripes and Sombreros

Boy am I glad it’s Monday. I know most people hate Mondays but with my hair dresser schedule, I live for Mondays! I even worked yesterday so today is my first day off in like six days. I plan to drink lots of coffee, lounge around, run and…

Whatever Forever: Business Casual

It’s FRIDAY! Weeeee! That means my bff gets married tomorrow, and I get to dance my booty off (my FAVE) so it’s a good day! I love a little business casual look every once in a while! Makes me feel all professional. And with this outfit…

Sunflowers and Festival Season

Who’s ready for festival season?! I got my wardrobe but not my ticket, unfortunately. But maybe those of you going will still be inspired! If it were up to me, I would be going to Stagecoach. (But probably in Coachella clothes :P) I LOVE country music. I have…

O V E R A L L S and D O C S

Sooo when I first saw that overalls were coming back, I was a little hesitant. I mean I wore them every day of my 12-year-old life. But seriously, I love it. I’ve learned that the repeats are gonna come so I should just embrace them. I…

White Denim, Floral and Braids

Happy Friday, Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend! I am heading out pretty soon on a 20-mile training run for the Boston Marathon (Eeeeeek! No matter how comfortable I am with running, I always get nervous before long runs!). Then…