Lace and Flowers

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Dress: Urban Outfitters here (on sale!); Lace Kimono: Marshall’s, similar here; Booties: Love D, similar here and here; Lipstick: Revlon here

Hello again! About the time you’re reading this, I will probably be sitting having coffee with Alena of ModaPrints, I can’t believe it! Our plans aren’t set in stone but we are planning to go to L.A. and the beach and maybe the Packing House in Anaheim. I’m just so excited to finally hang out with her!

I wore this outfit this past Sunday, and I love the combination of the kimono with the dress. Especially since the dress is high/low, it adds contrast to the outfit! I also can’t get over this lip color. It’s my new favorite this season. I am wearing it non-stop, in case you haven’t noticed. Also, I’m uber proud of myself because I did these photos all by my lonesome again. With my timer. I think it might be my new thing! Makes doing outfit posts sooo much easier. I definitely would still rather have someone else do them for me, and I have to make sure to find a place that’s empty to do them because I’m not about to set up my makeshift tripod in a busy area. 😛 But still so nice to just have a vision for an outfit and bam, be able to do photos whenever I want! I’ve got a few more of these self-done shoots coming your way in the next few weeks!

So I have a story to tell you. I had the WORST day ever at work the other day. I had a walk-in client who wanted highlights, and for me that’s easy-peasy. I’m constantly doing blonde haircolor so it’s second nature to me. Well I was almost finished weaving her hair, and it was getting really hot in the foils and all of the sudden it started SMOKING. Oh my gosh, I was flippity flipping out! I immediately rushed her over to the sink to wash it out, and I was terrified all of her hair was going to fall out with the foils. But it didn’t. Thank God, I caught it when I did! I felt so bad! It was her first time to the salon and to me, and my gosh, how’s that for a welcome? We racked our brains trying to figure out why it might have happened. I hadn’t done anything different than what I would normally do. In fact, the bleach should have stayed in a little while longer. But sometimes medications etc can affect a person’s hair color. Well we couldn’t think of anything, and I obviously felt awful. In the end, her hair color actually turned out just fine. Which is a miracle. But I still felt so bad about the whole incident. Welllll fast forward a few hours, and she texted me to tell me she had researched the shampoo she had been using and found out that it contained iron that caused that reaction to the bleach! In the story she read, the stylist actually burned her hands, and the client had to go to urgent care! Can you believe that?! Soooo, if you happen to be using Loreal Ever Pure Shampoo, STOP. And if you happen to need your hair done, come see me! I promise I’ll have cat like reflexes if your hair starts smoking… 😛

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About The Author

Christine Benentt

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Made in Da USA

   S Shirt: TJ Maxx, similar here; Vest: Forever 21, similar here; Pants: Urban Outfitters, similar here; Hat: Urban Outfitter,...
