I cannot thank you enough for all of your love and support over the last few days since our announcement. I may not have gotten back to all of your comments, but Ben and I read every single one! Thank you SO MUCH.

Ok so I know I did our announcement, but you guys had a ton of questions all about my first trimester and how everything has been going so I wanted to give you the 4-1-1. I’m just going to break it down by categories and spill the beans on each one.

I am currently in Hawaii visiting my brother and his family, and tomorrow I will already be thirteen weeks pregnant! It feels like its gone by so fast!

Anyways, before I get too much further along, I wanted to share all the deets on my first trimester with you so here we go!

Morning Sickness: I’m not going to lie this one is actually super hard for me to answer because my experience has been not normal at all, and in a way I guess I feel kind of bad. The number one question I get when I tell people I’m pregnant is, “How are you feeling?”. And it’s so crazy, but my answer has mostly been great. I have not been sick or nauseous even one day. I know this is completely out of the normal, and I cannot say enough how thankful I am. In a way, I kept thinking it might hit me. But at the same time, I actually really prayed that I wouldn’t get sick. And then I believed that it was possible that I could not be sick so I kept praying, and thanking Jesus for every day that I wasn’t. So the answer to all the questions about my morning sickness and all that is that I haven’t had any. I have no idea why! I just know everyone is different, and every pregnancy is different! And my heart goes out to all the mamas who have it in any way, shape or form, especially if you have to work or have other babies at home, because I can’t imagine feeling nauseous and terrible all day and having to still go to work or take care of your kids while in that state.

Coffee: This probably should have been my first point since you all know about how much I freaking LOVE coffee. I am a 3-4 cup a day kind of girl. If anyone wants to know if I want coffee, then answer is basically always yes. (Unless it’s after 5pm. Girl also loves her sleep. :P) I have always had this fear about getting pregnant and having to give up coffee, and how that would go. After finding out I was pregnant, I knew that was the first thing I would have to change so initially I had decided to just have one small cup a day. You’re allowed 80-200mg of caffeine a day, which is equivalent to about a tall coffee from Starbucks. But I started noticing that whenever I drank coffee, even that little bit, my heart rate would go INSANE. And besides the fact that I hated the way it felt, I knew it wasn’t good, so I fully cut coffee for a few weeks with the exception of the occasional decaf cup. It was funny too actually because I didn’t really crave it as much either and didn’t get any headaches at all when I stopped! Now I’m able to drink coffee again without my heart rate going crazy but I usually pour myself a cup and drink about half of it because I’m not as into it as I used to be. It’s so weird and not me. 😛

Working Out: I have still been working out basically the same as before I got pregnant which was 4-5 times a week. I go to Crossfit 3-4 times a week and then run five miles on the other days. In the beginning, maybe weeks 4-8, I definitely noticed a change in my energy at the gym and became very aware of my heart rate as well. I’m usually a push until you can’t go anymore kind of girl at the gym and slightly competitive with myself and whoever I’m working out with, but I have let that go with being pregnant. My goal for my workouts is just to move my body and feel good. I listen to my body during my workouts and if I need to slow down or rest I do. I have been surprised though that since those beginning few weeks, I actually feel so great and mostly normal when I’m at Crossfit or out running. I have made some adjustments at Crossfit when it comes to the amount of weight I’m moving around, and I know that as my body changes more, I will scale certain movements accordingly. And my running pace is definitely a little slower but it’s my favorite workout to do. Praying that transfers to little bebe too so we can have a running fam on our hands. 😛

Eating/Food: Someone had asked if it has been harder to eat healthy still while being pregnant, and for me the answer has been not really. I even almost feel like I want to eat even better knowing I have a little baby inside my tummy that needs all the good nutrients it can get to grow healthy and strong. And knowing it’s up to me to give my baby that makes me want to eat good foods! I have noticed that I want more fruit than I used to eat and like to add extra salt to foods (your blood volume increases so much that you actually need some extra salt!), and I gravitate a little more towards carbs than I used to but I’m still making sure those are good carbs that I’m putting in my body. I haven’t had a cravings per se yet, so I don’t know if those are coming or what.

Sleep: Next to or possibly before my love for coffee is my love for sleep. I am an avid believer and partaker in an eight or nine hour a night sleep cycle, and function at my best having had that amount. I’ll even skip my workouts for sleep; I think it’s that important. (Also yes, I know once my baby comes, I’ll be a zombie for the foreseeable future but just let me live in my sleep heaven until then. :P) Anyways. My reason for talking about sleep is because number one, the first few weeks after I found out I was pregnant, I was SO tired. Like literally napping, which I never do, and getting into bed for the night at 7:30pm. It was crazy! But I know my body was working like crazy to get all those vital parts of my little baby formed. Like isn’t it crazy, it’s so tiny right now but it already has everything it needs and all its parts and just needs to grow now so no wonder I was tired! And then my other reason for talking about sleep is that I definitely haven’t been sleeping as good as I usually do. I can fall asleep great but then I wake up once to pee and feel tired and like I’m going to fall right back to sleep but then I’m up for at least an hour just laying there! I’ve heard that’s normal during pregnancy but I would love if I could figure out how to fix it. 😛

Emotions/Sensitivity: Forever since before we were going to having kids, Ben would always make jokes about how emotional I was going to be when I was pregnant. Because I’m pretty emotional sometimes already. I made sure to double confirm this with Ben but I actually haven’t been extra emotional at all. I totally thought I would be but I haven’t! I do however have times where I get CRAZY sensitive to touch. Ben will be trying to be cute and sweet and rub my arm or something, and I literally freak out and can’t handle it. I don’t know if something causes or what it is but it’s usually at the end of the day, and maybe it just means I should have already put myself to sleep so I don’t get mad at my husband for trying to be sweet to me. 😛

Weight Gain: I’ve gained only about 1-2 pounds so far but I definitely have started to notice little changes in my body. Like things just feel a little thicker. My skinnier skinny jeans don’t really fit anymore and at the end of the day, I feel bloated and like my tummy is sticking out at least a little more than usual. I’m thinking I am just start looking thicker for the next two months until I hopefully get that pop that lets people know, yes I am actually pregnant, not just skipping the gym. 😛

Ok. I think that’s it for now. If there’s something I didn’t answer, let me know, and I’ll be sure to get back to you or include it in my next post!




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Christine Benentt

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WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! I can't believe I'm actually typing that out finally! I'm pregnant! We're going to have little...
